I wanted to play your game under Linux ... and invoking the binary it 1st wanted to include it into DE menues (no good thing for a binary to do this) and then just produced a Segmentation fault (not related to the entries it seems). So 'SpaceTappers\(v1.0.6\)-linux.AppImage' does not run ...
OK, I checked and two other GDevelop games of 2019 did crash the same way - while the 2020+ GDevelop games are running ... quite strange - but not the fault of the game but the code of the engine, as it seems ...
Thanks again for your help( Totally feel like you should continue with SJR it would make a cool mobile game).If you know of any websites I can find a chyme sound similar to the Taqzwee logo splash I'd like to use a similar one for my splash screen.
haha, I have no desire to continue SRJ development. I feel it won't wort it anymore, at least for now. You can use Bfxr software to produce sound effects. I use Bfxr for all sound effects in my game.
I'd like to make my game a mobile game and I'm really unsure how to make the game adapt to different screen sizes, may please tell me how you tackled this issue.
well, actually I don't make my game adapt to screen size. but I keep all the objects in my game in place (centered) on different screen sizes.
This is the source file of Space Tappers, where here I make command if the game is run on a mobile device (in this case the portrait screen orientation) some objects that have been grouped together will remain in place.
and this one is my latest project (canceled, LOL) where I did different tricks to do the same thing. here I use an object (in this case, a red box) which is be the camera center of all layers to keep all objects in position.
but if you want to make your game truly adaptive on all screen sizes (eg. if you put an object on the corner of the screen, and it will stay in the corner for all screen sizes) you have to use the anchor behavior feature (you can see that in the touch screen buttons at the platformer example in Gdevelop).
Really great game taqzwee simple and straight forward I am working on a game and I have been having some trouble creating the splash screen animation and I would like you to please help me out by uploading an example GDevelop project with the code you used to create your splash screen.
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I wanted to play your game under Linux ... and invoking the binary it 1st wanted to include it into DE menues (no good thing for a binary to do this) and then just produced a Segmentation fault (not related to the entries it seems). So 'SpaceTappers\(v1.0.6\)-linux.AppImage' does not run ...
OK, I checked and two other GDevelop games of 2019 did crash the same way - while the 2020+ GDevelop games are running ... quite strange - but not the fault of the game but the code of the engine, as it seems ...
Thanks again for your help( Totally feel like you should continue with SJR it would make a cool mobile game).If you know of any websites I can find a chyme sound similar to the Taqzwee logo splash I'd like to use a similar one for my splash screen.
haha, I have no desire to continue SRJ development. I feel it won't wort it anymore, at least for now. You can use Bfxr software to produce sound effects. I use Bfxr for all sound effects in my game.
Ok Cool👍
I'd like to make my game a mobile game and I'm really unsure how to make the game adapt to different screen sizes, may please tell me how you tackled this issue.
well, actually I don't make my game adapt to screen size. but I keep all the objects in my game in place (centered) on different screen sizes.
This is the source file of Space Tappers, where here I make command if the game is run on a mobile device (in this case the portrait screen orientation) some objects that have been grouped together will remain in place.

source file:
and this one is my latest project (canceled, LOL) where I did different tricks to do the same thing. here I use an object (in this case, a red box) which is be the camera center of all layers to keep all objects in position.

source file:
but if you want to make your game truly adaptive on all screen sizes (eg. if you put an object on the corner of the screen, and it will stay in the corner for all screen sizes) you have to use the anchor behavior feature (you can see that in the touch screen buttons at the platformer example in Gdevelop).
Thanks Alot! You have been truly helpful
Really great game taqzwee simple and straight forward I am working on a game and I have been having some trouble creating the splash screen animation and I would like you to please help me out by uploading an example GDevelop project with the code you used to create your splash screen.
hi, sorry for the late reply, this is my game prototype file that I created in Gdevelop which uses the same splash screen mechanism as space tappers.
thanks for playing!
Thanks Alot👍👍! For helping me out and really outdoing yourself well received.
looking damn good man!